Emitted when this instance is in the process of ending.
Emitted when a child process has ended
Emitted when a child process has started
Emitted when this instance has ended. No child processes should remain at this point.
Emitted when a child process has an error during shutdown
proc: BatchProcessEmitted when .end()
is called because the error rate has exceeded
Emitted when a process fails health checks
Emitted when an internal consistency check fails
Emitted when child processes write to stdout or stderr without a current task
Emitted when a child process fails to spin up and run the BatchProcessOptions.versionCommand successfully within BatchClusterOptions.spawnTimeoutMillis.
childProcess: BatchProcesswill be undefined if the error is from ChildProcessFactory.processFactory
Emitted when tasks receive data, which may be partial chunks from the task stream.
Emitted when a task has an error
Emitted when a task has been resolved
Emitted when a task times out. Note that a taskError
event always succeeds these events.
This interface describes the BatchCluster's event names as fields. The type of the field describes the event data payload.
See BatchClusterEmitter for more details.