Function exiftoolPath

  • This implementation relies on the fact that both and exiftool-vendored.exe both export the path to their respective exiftool binary.

    When running in node, this method should suffice.

    When running in Electron, all bets are off, due to ASAR packaging and other nonsense. As perl can't run from within an ASAR archive, electron-builder must be configured to asarUnpack "**/node_modules/exiftool-vendored.{pl,exe}/". See for details.

    If you're using electron-forge, add something like the following to your ForgeConfig.packagerConfig.extraResource array: fs.join(".", "node_modules", "exiftool-vendored." + (isWin ? "exe" : "pl")) but then you must specify a custom exiftoolPath in your options hash, as subprocesses that use ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE will no longer have process.resourcesPath set.

    If none of the above work for your use case, you can provide your own exiftoolPath implementation to your instance of ExifTool


    • Optional logger: Logger

    Returns Promise<string>

    the path to the exiftool binary, preferring the vendored version in node_modules.