Interface EXIFTags

interface EXIFTags {
    Acceleration?: number;
    AntiAliasStrength?: number;
    ApertureValue?: number;
    Artist?: string;
    AsShotNeutral?: string;
    BaselineExposure?: number;
    BlackLevel?: string;
    BlackLevelBlue?: number;
    BlackLevelGreen?: number;
    BlackLevelRed?: number;
    BlackLevelRepeatDim?: string;
    BrightnessValue?: number;
    CameraElevationAngle?: number;
    CFAPlaneColor?: string;
    CFARepeatPatternDim?: string;
    ChromaticAberrationCorrection?: string;
    ColorSpace?: string;
    CompositeImage?: string;
    CompressedBitsPerPixel?: number;
    Contrast?: string;
    Copyright?: string;
    CreateDate?: string | ExifDateTime;
    CustomRendered?: string;
    DateTimeOriginal?: string | ExifDateTime;
    DefaultCropOrigin?: string;
    DefaultCropSize?: string;
    DeviceSettingDescription?: string | BinaryField;
    DigitalZoomRatio?: number;
    DNGBackwardVersion?: string;
    DNGVersion?: string;
    DocumentName?: string;
    ExifImageHeight?: number;
    ExifImageWidth?: number;
    ExposureIndex?: number;
    ExposureMode?: string;
    ExposureProgram?: string;
    ExposureTime?: string;
    FileSource?: string;
    Flash?: string;
    FlashEnergy?: number;
    FNumber?: number;
    FocalLength?: string;
    FocalLengthIn35mmFormat?: string;
    FocalPlaneResolutionUnit?: string;
    FocalPlaneXResolution?: number;
    FocalPlaneYResolution?: number;
    GainControl?: string;
    Gamma?: number;
    GPSAltitude?: number;
    GPSAltitudeRef?: string;
    GPSAreaInformation?: string;
    GPSDateStamp?: string | ExifDate;
    GPSDestBearing?: number;
    GPSDestBearingRef?: string;
    GPSDestDistance?: number;
    GPSDestDistanceRef?: string;
    GPSDestLatitude?: string;
    GPSDestLatitudeRef?: string;
    GPSDestLongitude?: string;
    GPSDestLongitudeRef?: string;
    GPSDifferential?: string;
    GPSDOP?: number;
    GPSHPositioningError?: string;
    GPSImgDirection?: number;
    GPSImgDirectionRef?: string;
    GPSLatitude?: string | number;
    GPSLatitudeRef?: string;
    GPSLongitude?: string | number;
    GPSLongitudeRef?: string;
    GPSMapDatum?: string;
    GPSMeasureMode?: string;
    GPSProcessingMethod?: string;
    GPSSatellites?: string;
    GPSSpeed?: number;
    GPSSpeedRef?: string;
    GPSStatus?: string;
    GPSTimeStamp?: string | ExifTime;
    GPSVersionID?: string;
    HighISOMultiplierBlue?: number;
    HighISOMultiplierGreen?: number;
    HighISOMultiplierRed?: number;
    HostComputer?: string;
    ImageDescription?: string;
    ImageTitle?: number;
    InteropIndex?: string;
    InteropVersion?: string;
    ISO?: number;
    ISOSpeed?: number;
    JpgFromRaw?: BinaryField;
    JpgFromRawLength?: number;
    JpgFromRawStart?: number;
    LensInfo?: string;
    LensMake?: string;
    LensModel?: string;
    LensSerialNumber?: string;
    LightSource?: string;
    LinearityLimitBlue?: number;
    LinearityLimitGreen?: number;
    LinearityLimitRed?: number;
    Make?: string;
    MakerNoteSamsung1a?: string | BinaryField;
    MakerNoteUnknownBinary?: string | BinaryField;
    MakerNoteUnknownText?: string;
    MaxApertureValue?: number;
    MeteringMode?: string;
    Model?: string;
    Model2?: string;
    ModifyDate?: string | ExifDateTime;
    Noise?: number;
    NoiseProfile?: string;
    NoiseReductionParams?: string;
    OffsetSchema?: number;
    OffsetTime?: string;
    OffsetTimeDigitized?: string;
    OffsetTimeOriginal?: string;
    Orientation?: number;
    OtherImage?: string | BinaryField;
    OtherImageLength?: number;
    OtherImageStart?: number;
    Padding?: string | BinaryField;
    PageName?: string;
    PanasonicRawVersion?: string;
    Photographer?: number;
    PhotometricInterpretation?: string;
    PlanarConfiguration?: string;
    Pressure?: number;
    PreviewDateTime?: string | ExifDateTime;
    PreviewTIFF?: string | BinaryField;
    PrimaryChromaticities?: string;
    ProcessingSoftware?: string;
    RawDataOffset?: number;
    RawDataUniqueID?: string;
    RawFormat?: number;
    RawImageSegmentation?: string;
    RecommendedExposureIndex?: number;
    ReferenceBlackWhite?: string;
    RelatedImageFileFormat?: string;
    RelatedImageHeight?: number;
    RelatedImageWidth?: number;
    RelatedSoundFile?: string;
    ResolutionUnit?: string;
    RowsPerStrip?: number;
    SamplesPerPixel?: number;
    Saturation?: string;
    SceneCaptureType?: string;
    SceneType?: string;
    SensingMethod?: string;
    SensitivityType?: string;
    Sharpness?: string;
    ShutterSpeedValue?: string;
    Software?: string;
    SonyRawFileType?: string;
    SonyToneCurve?: string;
    SpatialFrequencyResponse?: number;
    SRawType?: number;
    StandardOutputSensitivity?: number;
    StripByteCounts?: number;
    StripOffsets?: number;
    SubfileType?: string;
    SubjectArea?: string;
    SubjectDistance?: string;
    SubjectDistanceRange?: string;
    SubjectLocation?: number;
    SubSecTime?: number;
    SubSecTimeDigitized?: number;
    SubSecTimeOriginal?: number;
    ThumbnailImage?: BinaryField;
    ThumbnailLength?: number;
    ThumbnailOffset?: number;
    ThumbnailTIFF?: BinaryField;
    TileByteCounts?: string | BinaryField;
    TileLength?: number;
    TileOffsets?: string | BinaryField;
    TileWidth?: number;
    TimeZoneOffset?: string | number;
    TransferFunction?: string | BinaryField;
    UniqueCameraModel?: string;
    UserComment?: string;
    WaterDepth?: number;
    WhiteBalance?: string;
    WhiteLevel?: number;
    WhitePoint?: string;
    XiaomiModel?: string;
    XPAuthor?: string;
    XPComment?: string;
    XPKeywords?: string;
    XPSubject?: string;
    XPTitle?: string;
    XResolution?: number;
    YCbCrCoefficients?: string;
    YCbCrPositioning?: string;
    YResolution?: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


Acceleration? AntiAliasStrength? ApertureValue? Artist? AsShotNeutral? BaselineExposure? BlackLevel? BlackLevelBlue? BlackLevelGreen? BlackLevelRed? BlackLevelRepeatDim? BrightnessValue? CameraElevationAngle? CFAPlaneColor? CFARepeatPatternDim? ChromaticAberrationCorrection? ColorSpace? CompositeImage? CompressedBitsPerPixel? Contrast? Copyright? CreateDate? CustomRendered? DateTimeOriginal? DefaultCropOrigin? DefaultCropSize? DeviceSettingDescription? DigitalZoomRatio? DNGBackwardVersion? DNGVersion? DocumentName? ExifImageHeight? ExifImageWidth? ExposureIndex? ExposureMode? ExposureProgram? ExposureTime? FileSource? Flash? FlashEnergy? FNumber? FocalLength? FocalLengthIn35mmFormat? FocalPlaneResolutionUnit? FocalPlaneXResolution? FocalPlaneYResolution? GainControl? Gamma? GPSAltitude? GPSAltitudeRef? GPSAreaInformation? GPSDateStamp? GPSDestBearing? GPSDestBearingRef? GPSDestDistance? GPSDestDistanceRef? GPSDestLatitude? GPSDestLatitudeRef? GPSDestLongitude? GPSDestLongitudeRef? GPSDifferential? GPSDOP? GPSHPositioningError? GPSImgDirection? GPSImgDirectionRef? GPSLatitude? GPSLatitudeRef? GPSLongitude? GPSLongitudeRef? GPSMapDatum? GPSMeasureMode? GPSProcessingMethod? GPSSatellites? GPSSpeed? GPSSpeedRef? GPSStatus? GPSTimeStamp? GPSVersionID? HighISOMultiplierBlue? HighISOMultiplierGreen? HighISOMultiplierRed? HostComputer? ImageDescription? ImageTitle? InteropIndex? InteropVersion? ISO? ISOSpeed? JpgFromRaw? JpgFromRawLength? JpgFromRawStart? LensInfo? LensMake? LensModel? LensSerialNumber? LightSource? LinearityLimitBlue? LinearityLimitGreen? LinearityLimitRed? Make? MakerNoteSamsung1a? MakerNoteUnknownBinary? MakerNoteUnknownText? MaxApertureValue? MeteringMode? Model? Model2? ModifyDate? Noise? NoiseProfile? NoiseReductionParams? OffsetSchema? OffsetTime? OffsetTimeDigitized? OffsetTimeOriginal? Orientation? OtherImage? OtherImageLength? OtherImageStart? Padding? PageName? PanasonicRawVersion? Photographer? PhotometricInterpretation? PlanarConfiguration? Pressure? PreviewDateTime? PreviewTIFF? PrimaryChromaticities? ProcessingSoftware? RawDataOffset? RawDataUniqueID? RawFormat? RawImageSegmentation? RecommendedExposureIndex? ReferenceBlackWhite? RelatedImageFileFormat? RelatedImageHeight? RelatedImageWidth? RelatedSoundFile? ResolutionUnit? RowsPerStrip? SamplesPerPixel? Saturation? SceneCaptureType? SceneType? SensingMethod? SensitivityType? Sharpness? ShutterSpeedValue? Software? SonyRawFileType? SonyToneCurve? SpatialFrequencyResponse? SRawType? StandardOutputSensitivity? StripByteCounts? StripOffsets? SubfileType? SubjectArea? SubjectDistance? SubjectDistanceRange? SubjectLocation? SubSecTime? SubSecTimeDigitized? SubSecTimeOriginal? ThumbnailImage? ThumbnailLength? ThumbnailOffset? ThumbnailTIFF? TileByteCounts? TileLength? TileOffsets? TileWidth? TimeZoneOffset? TransferFunction? UniqueCameraModel? UserComment? WaterDepth? WhiteBalance? WhiteLevel? WhitePoint? XiaomiModel? XPAuthor? XPComment? XPKeywords? XPSubject? XPTitle? XResolution? YCbCrCoefficients? YCbCrPositioning? YResolution?


Acceleration?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 988517

AntiAliasStrength?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

ApertureValue?: number

★★★☆ ✔ Example: 9016997700

Artist?: string

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Arturo DeImage"

AsShotNeutral?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "0.8326394671 1.012145749 0.3512469266"

BaselineExposure?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: -0.6566481

BlackLevel?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "94 95 93 93"

BlackLevelBlue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 130

BlackLevelGreen?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 130

BlackLevelRed?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 130

BlackLevelRepeatDim?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "1 1"

BrightnessValue?: number

★★★☆ ✔ Example: 9.9919505

CameraElevationAngle?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 6.1

CFAPlaneColor?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Red,Green,Blue"

CFARepeatPatternDim?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "2 2"

ChromaticAberrationCorrection?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "On"

ColorSpace?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "sRGB"

CompositeImage?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown"

CompressedBitsPerPixel?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 90

Contrast?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "n/a"

Copyright?: string

★★★☆ ✔ Example: "© Chuckles McSnortypants, Inc."

CreateDate?: string | ExifDateTime

★★★★ ✔ Example: "2218:09:22 02:32:14"

CustomRendered?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "Unknown (Custom process)"

DateTimeOriginal?: string | ExifDateTime

★★★★ ✔ Example: "2218:09:22 02:32:14"

DefaultCropOrigin?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "8 8"

DefaultCropSize?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "8272 6200"

DeviceSettingDescription?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 0 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

DigitalZoomRatio?: number

★★★☆ ✔ Example: 8.1319764

DNGBackwardVersion?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ""

DNGVersion?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ""

DocumentName?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: ""

ExifImageHeight?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 990

ExifImageWidth?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 999

ExposureIndex?: number

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 83

ExposureMode?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "Unknown (Auto exposure)"

ExposureProgram?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "iAuto+"

ExposureTime?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "inf"

FileSource?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "Unknown (DSC)"

Flash?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "Unknown (0xffff)"

FlashEnergy?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 54

FNumber?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 90

FocalLength?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "99.7 mm"

FocalLengthIn35mmFormat?: string

★★★☆ ✔ Example: "9920 mm"

FocalPlaneResolutionUnit?: string

★★★☆ ✔ Example: "um"

FocalPlaneXResolution?: number

★★★☆ ✔ Example: 9941.7476

FocalPlaneYResolution?: number

★★★☆ ✔ Example: 9846.1538

GainControl?: string

★★★☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown (8176)"

Gamma?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 2.4921875

GPSAltitude?: number

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 99.8

GPSAltitudeRef?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown (Sea level reference)"

GPSAreaInformation?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "府中市郷土の森博物館"

GPSDateStamp?: string | ExifDate

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "2024:04:21"

GPSDestBearing?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 86.180049

GPSDestBearingRef?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown ()"

GPSDestDistance?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0.030120052

GPSDestDistanceRef?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Kilometers"

GPSDestLatitude?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "43 deg 37' 59.61" N"

GPSDestLatitudeRef?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "North"

GPSDestLongitude?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "80 deg 23' 16.31" W"

GPSDestLongitudeRef?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "West"

GPSDifferential?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "No Correction"

GPSDOP?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 9

GPSHPositioningError?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "8.937059922 m"

GPSImgDirection?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 94.800416

GPSImgDirectionRef?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown ()"

GPSLatitude?: string | number

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 48.857748

GPSLatitudeRef?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown ()"

GPSLongitude?: string | number

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 2.2918888

GPSLongitudeRef?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "West"

GPSMapDatum?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "WGS84"

GPSMeasureMode?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown ()"

GPSProcessingMethod?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "gps"

GPSSatellites?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "??B??"

GPSSpeed?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 5

GPSSpeedRef?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "knots"

GPSStatus?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown ()"

GPSTimeStamp?: string | ExifTime

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "23:59:41.001"

GPSVersionID?: string

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ""

HighISOMultiplierBlue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1

HighISOMultiplierGreen?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1

HighISOMultiplierRed?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1

HostComputer?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "iPhone 15 Plus"

ImageDescription?: string

★★★☆ ✔ Example: "untitled"

ImageTitle?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

InteropIndex?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "Unknown ([None])"

InteropVersion?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "undef undef undef"

ISO?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 993

ISOSpeed?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 80

JpgFromRaw?: BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 772608 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

JpgFromRawLength?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 845574

JpgFromRawStart?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 978944

LensInfo?: string

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "?mm f/?"

LensMake?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "ZEISS"

LensModel?: string

★★☆☆ ✔ Example: "smc PENTAX-D FA 50mm F2.8 Macro"

LensSerialNumber?: string

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "xB?"

LightSource?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "White Fluorescent"

LinearityLimitBlue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 4095

LinearityLimitGreen?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 4095

LinearityLimitRed?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 4095

Make?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "samsung"

MakerNoteSamsung1a?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 3072 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

MakerNoteUnknownBinary?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 66 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

MakerNoteUnknownText?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "}:-"

MaxApertureValue?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 9.1

MeteringMode?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "Unknown (Center-weighted average)"

Model?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "x530"

Model2?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "K520C-01044"

ModifyDate?: string | ExifDateTime

★★★★ ✔ Example: "2216:02:28 03:49:50"

Noise?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 6

NoiseProfile?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "0.00627371 0.0011865"

NoiseReductionParams?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "5 100 4 4 4 200 8 8 8 400 16 16 16 800 32 32 32 1600 64 64 64"

OffsetSchema?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 58

OffsetTime?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "-09:00"

OffsetTimeDigitized?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "-09:00"

OffsetTimeOriginal?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "-09:00"

Orientation?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 8

OtherImage?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 4798 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

OtherImageLength?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 941265

OtherImageStart?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 755

Padding?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 2060 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

PageName?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Reflective"

PanasonicRawVersion?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "0350"

Photographer?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

PhotometricInterpretation?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "YCbCr"

PlanarConfiguration?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Chunky"

Pressure?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1022

PreviewDateTime?: string | ExifDateTime

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "2015:06:02 09:56:01"

PreviewTIFF?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 4665816 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

PrimaryChromaticities?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "0.64 0.33 0.3 0.6 0.15 0.06"

ProcessingSoftware?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ""

RawDataOffset?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 928768

RawDataUniqueID?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "30353330394431333030303032383242"

RawFormat?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 4

RawImageSegmentation?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "3 1440 1440"

RecommendedExposureIndex?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 800

ReferenceBlackWhite?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "0 255 128 255 128 255"

RelatedImageFileFormat?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "JPEG Exif Ver 2.2"

RelatedImageHeight?: number

★★☆☆ ✔ Example: 960

RelatedImageWidth?: number

★★☆☆ ✔ Example: 800

RelatedSoundFile?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "xxx.avi"

ResolutionUnit?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "inches"

RowsPerStrip?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 96

SamplesPerPixel?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 3

Saturation?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "n/a"

SceneCaptureType?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "Unknown (Standard)"

SceneType?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "Unknown (Directly photographed)"

SensingMethod?: string

★★★☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown (One-chip color area sensor)"

SensitivityType?: string

★★☆☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown"

Sharpness?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "n/a"

ShutterSpeedValue?: string

★★★☆ ✔ Example: "1/999963365"

Software?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: ""

SonyRawFileType?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Sony Uncompressed 12-bit RAW"

SonyToneCurve?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "8000 10400 12900 14100"

SpatialFrequencyResponse?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 668058300

SRawType?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 4

StandardOutputSensitivity?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 800

StripByteCounts?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 9600

StripOffsets?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 986

SubfileType?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Reduced-resolution image"

SubjectArea?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "967 967 1425 851"

SubjectDistance?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "99.99 m"

SubjectDistanceRange?: string

★★★☆ ✔ Example: "Unknown (Macro)"

SubjectLocation?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1

SubSecTime?: number

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 996

SubSecTimeDigitized?: number

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 996

SubSecTimeOriginal?: number

★☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 999

ThumbnailImage?: BinaryField

★★★★ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 39781 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

ThumbnailLength?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 9998

ThumbnailOffset?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 998

ThumbnailTIFF?: BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 57816 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

TileByteCounts?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 447 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

TileLength?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 512

TileOffsets?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 508 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

TileWidth?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 512

TimeZoneOffset?: string | number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1

TransferFunction?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 3636 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

UniqueCameraModel?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "motorola XT1254"

UserComment?: string

★★★☆ ✔ Example: "This is a comment."

WaterDepth?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0.1

WhiteBalance?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "White Preset"

WhiteLevel?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 65535

WhitePoint?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "9696 8192 8192 7136"

XiaomiModel?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "Redmi 9T"

XPAuthor?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Norm De Plume"

XPComment?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "This is a comment."

XPKeywords?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "v01.40.0002;0.0.1;v1.0.0"

XPSubject?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "image thermique, thermal image"

XPTitle?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "楆慮敤琠牡敤攠汉慨䈠汥Ⅱ"

XResolution?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 99

YCbCrCoefficients?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "0.299 0.587 0.114"

YCbCrPositioning?: string

★★★★ ✔ Example: "Unknown (512)"

YResolution?: number

★★★★ ✔ Example: 99