Interface XMPTags

interface XMPTags {
    About?: string;
    AbsoluteAltitude?: string;
    Album?: string;
    AlreadyApplied?: boolean;
    ApproximateFocusDistance?: number;
    AsrClimaxDuration?: number;
    AsrClimaxScene?: string;
    AsrIsMacroRange?: number;
    AsrSceneCondition?: string;
    AsrSceneMode?: string;
    AutoLateralCA?: number;
    BandName?: string[];
    BlueHue?: number;
    BlueSaturation?: number;
    BurstID?: string;
    BurstPrimary?: number;
    CameraBurstID?: string;
    CameraFacing?: string;
    CameraModelID?: string;
    CameraProfile?: string;
    CameraProfileDigest?: string;
    Cameras?: Struct[];
    CameraUnit?: string;
    CamReverse?: number;
    CaptureMode?: string;
    CaptureSoftware?: string;
    CatalogSets?: string[];
    CellGlobalID?: string;
    CellR?: number;
    CellTowerID?: number;
    CentralTemperature?: number;
    CentralWavelength?: number[];
    Changes?: string[];
    CircularGradientBasedCorrections?: Struct[];
    ColorClass?: string;
    ColorLabel?: number;
    Colorlabels?: string;
    ColorNoiseReduction?: number;
    ColorNoiseReductionDetail?: number;
    ColorNoiseReductionSmoothness?: number;
    Comment?: string;
    Container?: Struct;
    ContainerDirectory?: Struct[] | ContainerDirectoryItem[];
    ConvertToGrayscale?: boolean;
    Country?: string;
    CountryCode?: string;
    CreationTime?: string | ExifDateTime;
    Creator?: string[];
    CreatorAppID?: string;
    CreatorContactInfo?: Struct;
    CreatorOpenWithUIOptions?: number;
    Creatortool?: string;
    CreatorTool?: string;
    CropAngle?: number;
    CropBottom?: number;
    CropConstrainToWarp?: number;
    CropLeft?: string;
    CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels?: number;
    CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels?: number;
    CroppedAreaLeftPixels?: number;
    CroppedAreaTopPixels?: number;
    CropRight?: number;
    CropTop?: string;
    DateAcquired?: string | ExifDateTime;
    DateCreated?: string | ExifDateTime;
    DateTime?: string | ExifDateTime;
    DateTimeDigitized?: string | ExifDateTime;
    DateUTC?: string | ExifDateTime;
    DefringeGreenAmount?: number;
    DefringeGreenHueHi?: number;
    DefringeGreenHueLo?: number;
    DefringePurpleAmount?: number;
    DefringePurpleHueHi?: number;
    DefringePurpleHueLo?: number;
    Dehaze?: number;
    DerivedFrom?: string;
    Description?: string;
    DisableAutoCreation?: string[];
    DocumentID?: string;
    Face?: Struct[];
    FaceNum?: number;
    FaceSelectedIndex?: number;
    Far?: number;
    Firmware?: string;
    FlashCompensation?: number;
    FlashManufacturer?: string;
    FlashPixVersion?: string;
    FlightPitchDegree?: number;
    FlightRollDegree?: number;
    FlightYawDegree?: number;
    FocusAreaHeight?: number;
    FocusAreaNum?: number;
    FocusAreaWidth?: number;
    FocusIsLensMoving?: number;
    FocusPosX?: number;
    FocusPosY?: number;
    FocusState?: string;
    Format?: string;
    FullPanoHeightPixels?: number;
    FullPanoWidthPixels?: number;
    GimbalPitchDegree?: number;
    GimbalReverse?: number;
    GimbalRollDegree?: string;
    GimbalYawDegree?: string;
    GrainAmount?: number;
    GreenHue?: number;
    GreenSaturation?: number;
    HasCrop?: boolean;
    HasExtendedXMP?: string;
    HasSettings?: boolean;
    HdrPlusMakernote?: string | BinaryField;
    HDRPMakerNote?: string | BinaryField;
    HierarchicalSubject?: string[];
    History?: string | ResourceEvent | ResourceEvent[];
    HueAdjustmentAqua?: number;
    HueAdjustmentBlue?: number;
    HueAdjustmentGreen?: number;
    HueAdjustmentMagenta?: number;
    HueAdjustmentOrange?: number;
    HueAdjustmentPurple?: number;
    HueAdjustmentRed?: number;
    HueAdjustmentYellow?: number;
    ICCProfileName?: string;
    ImageLength?: number;
    ImageNumber?: number;
    InitialViewHeadingDegrees?: number;
    InitialViewPitchDegrees?: number;
    InitialViewRollDegrees?: number;
    InstanceID?: string;
    InteroperabilityIndex?: string;
    InteroperabilityVersion?: string;
    IsBokehActive?: boolean;
    IsHDRActive?: boolean;
    IsNightModeActive?: boolean;
    Label?: string;
    LastKeywordXMP?: string[];
    LegacyIPTCDigest?: string;
    LensFacing?: string;
    LensManualDistortionAmount?: number;
    LensManufacturer?: string;
    LensProfileEnable?: number;
    LensProfileName?: string;
    LensProfileSetup?: string;
    LocationAreaCode?: number;
    Look?: Struct;
    LuminanceAdjustmentAqua?: number;
    LuminanceAdjustmentBlue?: number;
    LuminanceAdjustmentGreen?: number;
    LuminanceAdjustmentMagenta?: number;
    LuminanceAdjustmentOrange?: number;
    LuminanceAdjustmentPurple?: number;
    LuminanceAdjustmentRed?: number;
    LuminanceAdjustmentYellow?: number;
    LuminanceSmoothing?: number;
    MakerNote?: string;
    Marked?: boolean;
    Mask?: string;
    MetadataDate?: string | ExifDateTime;
    MicroVideo?: number;
    MicroVideoOffset?: number;
    MicroVideoPresentationTimestampUs?: number;
    MicroVideoVersion?: number;
    Mime?: string;
    MobileCountryCode?: number;
    MobileNetworkCode?: number;
    ModificationDate?: string | ExifDateTime;
    MotionPhoto?: number;
    MotionPhotoPresentationTimestampUs?: number;
    MotionPhotoVersion?: number;
    NativeDigest?: string;
    Near?: number;
    Notes?: string;
    ObjectAreaHeight?: number;
    ObjectAreaWidth?: number;
    ObjectNum?: number;
    ObjectPosX?: number;
    ObjectPosY?: number;
    OriginalCreateDateTime?: string | ExifDateTime;
    OriginalDocumentID?: string;
    OverrideLookVignette?: boolean;
    ParametricDarks?: number;
    ParametricHighlights?: number;
    ParametricHighlightSplit?: number;
    ParametricLights?: number;
    ParametricMidtoneSplit?: number;
    ParametricShadows?: number;
    ParametricShadowSplit?: number;
    PersonInImage?: string[];
    PerspectiveAspect?: number;
    PerspectiveHorizontal?: number;
    PerspectiveRotate?: number;
    PerspectiveScale?: number;
    PerspectiveUpright?: string;
    PerspectiveVertical?: number;
    PerspectiveX?: number;
    PerspectiveY?: number;
    PhotographicSensitivity?: number;
    PickLabel?: number;
    PipelineVersion?: string;
    PMVersion?: string;
    PortraitVersion?: number;
    PoseHeadingDegrees?: number;
    PosePitchDegrees?: number;
    PoseRollDegrees?: number;
    PostCropVignetteAmount?: number;
    PreservedFileName?: string;
    ProcessVersion?: number;
    Profiles?: Struct[];
    ProgramMode?: string;
    ProjectionType?: string;
    Rating?: number;
    RatingPercent?: number;
    RawFileName?: string;
    RedHue?: number;
    RedSaturation?: number;
    RegionInfo?: Struct;
    RegionInfoMP?: Struct;
    RegistryID?: Struct[];
    RelativeAltitude?: string;
    Rights?: string;
    SaturationAdjustmentAqua?: number;
    SaturationAdjustmentBlue?: number;
    SaturationAdjustmentGreen?: number;
    SaturationAdjustmentMagenta?: number;
    SaturationAdjustmentOrange?: number;
    SaturationAdjustmentPurple?: number;
    SaturationAdjustmentRed?: number;
    SaturationAdjustmentYellow?: number;
    Scene?: string;
    SceneDetectResultConfidences?: string;
    SceneDetectResultIds?: string;
    SelfData?: string;
    ShadowTint?: number;
    SharpenDetail?: number;
    SharpenEdgeMasking?: number;
    SharpenRadius?: string;
    SourcePhotosCount?: number;
    SpecialTypeID?: string[];
    SplitToningBalance?: number;
    SplitToningHighlightHue?: number;
    SplitToningHighlightSaturation?: number;
    SplitToningShadowHue?: number;
    SplitToningShadowSaturation?: number;
    StitchingSoftware?: string;
    StreamType?: number;
    Subject?: string[];
    SubsecTime?: number;
    Tag?: string;
    Tagged?: string;
    TagsList?: string[];
    Tint?: string;
    Title?: string;
    TlinearGain?: number;
    ToneCurveBlue?: string[];
    ToneCurveGreen?: string[];
    ToneCurveName?: string;
    ToneCurvePV2012Blue?: string[];
    ToneCurvePV2012Green?: string[];
    ToneCurvePV2012Red?: string[];
    ToneCurveRed?: string[];
    ToneMapStrength?: number;
    UprightCenterMode?: number;
    UprightCenterNormX?: number;
    UprightCenterNormY?: number;
    UprightFocalLength35mm?: number;
    UprightFocalMode?: number;
    UprightFourSegmentsCount?: number;
    UprightPreview?: boolean;
    UprightTransformCount?: number;
    UprightVersion?: number;
    UsePanoramaViewer?: boolean;
    Versions?: string | Version | Version[];
    Vibrance?: string;
    VignetteAmount?: number;
    WavelengthFWHM?: number[];
    XMPMeta?: string;
    XMPToolkit?: string;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


About? AbsoluteAltitude? Album? AlreadyApplied? ApproximateFocusDistance? AsrClimaxDuration? AsrClimaxScene? AsrIsMacroRange? AsrSceneCondition? AsrSceneMode? AutoLateralCA? BandName? BlueHue? BlueSaturation? BurstID? BurstPrimary? CameraBurstID? CameraFacing? CameraModelID? CameraProfile? CameraProfileDigest? Cameras? CameraUnit? CamReverse? CaptureMode? CaptureSoftware? CatalogSets? CellGlobalID? CellR? CellTowerID? CentralTemperature? CentralWavelength? Changes? CircularGradientBasedCorrections? ColorClass? ColorLabel? Colorlabels? ColorNoiseReduction? ColorNoiseReductionDetail? ColorNoiseReductionSmoothness? Comment? Container? ContainerDirectory? ConvertToGrayscale? Country? CountryCode? CreationTime? Creator? CreatorAppID? CreatorContactInfo? CreatorOpenWithUIOptions? Creatortool? CreatorTool? CropAngle? CropBottom? CropConstrainToWarp? CropLeft? CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels? CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels? CroppedAreaLeftPixels? CroppedAreaTopPixels? CropRight? CropTop? DateAcquired? DateCreated? DateTime? DateTimeDigitized? DateUTC? DefringeGreenAmount? DefringeGreenHueHi? DefringeGreenHueLo? DefringePurpleAmount? DefringePurpleHueHi? DefringePurpleHueLo? Dehaze? DerivedFrom? Description? DisableAutoCreation? DocumentID? Face? FaceNum? FaceSelectedIndex? Far? Firmware? FlashCompensation? FlashManufacturer? FlashPixVersion? FlightPitchDegree? FlightRollDegree? FlightYawDegree? FocusAreaHeight? FocusAreaNum? FocusAreaWidth? FocusIsLensMoving? FocusPosX? FocusPosY? FocusState? Format? FullPanoHeightPixels? FullPanoWidthPixels? GimbalPitchDegree? GimbalReverse? GimbalRollDegree? GimbalYawDegree? GrainAmount? GreenHue? GreenSaturation? HasCrop? HasExtendedXMP? HasSettings? HdrPlusMakernote? HDRPMakerNote? HierarchicalSubject? History? HueAdjustmentAqua? HueAdjustmentBlue? HueAdjustmentGreen? HueAdjustmentMagenta? HueAdjustmentOrange? HueAdjustmentPurple? HueAdjustmentRed? HueAdjustmentYellow? ICCProfileName? ImageLength? ImageNumber? InitialViewHeadingDegrees? InitialViewPitchDegrees? InitialViewRollDegrees? InstanceID? InteroperabilityIndex? InteroperabilityVersion? IsBokehActive? IsHDRActive? IsNightModeActive? Label? LastKeywordXMP? LegacyIPTCDigest? LensFacing? LensManualDistortionAmount? LensManufacturer? LensProfileEnable? LensProfileName? LensProfileSetup? LocationAreaCode? Look? LuminanceAdjustmentAqua? LuminanceAdjustmentBlue? LuminanceAdjustmentGreen? LuminanceAdjustmentMagenta? LuminanceAdjustmentOrange? LuminanceAdjustmentPurple? LuminanceAdjustmentRed? LuminanceAdjustmentYellow? LuminanceSmoothing? MakerNote? Marked? Mask? MetadataDate? MicroVideo? MicroVideoOffset? MicroVideoPresentationTimestampUs? MicroVideoVersion? Mime? MobileCountryCode? MobileNetworkCode? ModificationDate? MotionPhoto? MotionPhotoPresentationTimestampUs? MotionPhotoVersion? NativeDigest? Near? Notes? ObjectAreaHeight? ObjectAreaWidth? ObjectNum? ObjectPosX? ObjectPosY? OriginalCreateDateTime? OriginalDocumentID? OverrideLookVignette? ParametricDarks? ParametricHighlights? ParametricHighlightSplit? ParametricLights? ParametricMidtoneSplit? ParametricShadows? ParametricShadowSplit? PersonInImage? PerspectiveAspect? PerspectiveHorizontal? PerspectiveRotate? PerspectiveScale? PerspectiveUpright? PerspectiveVertical? PerspectiveX? PerspectiveY? PhotographicSensitivity? PickLabel? PipelineVersion? PMVersion? PortraitVersion? PoseHeadingDegrees? PosePitchDegrees? PoseRollDegrees? PostCropVignetteAmount? PreservedFileName? ProcessVersion? Profiles? ProgramMode? ProjectionType? Rating? RatingPercent? RawFileName? RedHue? RedSaturation? RegionInfo? RegionInfoMP? RegistryID? RelativeAltitude? Rights? SaturationAdjustmentAqua? SaturationAdjustmentBlue? SaturationAdjustmentGreen? SaturationAdjustmentMagenta? SaturationAdjustmentOrange? SaturationAdjustmentPurple? SaturationAdjustmentRed? SaturationAdjustmentYellow? Scene? SceneDetectResultConfidences? SceneDetectResultIds? SelfData? ShadowTint? SharpenDetail? SharpenEdgeMasking? SharpenRadius? SourcePhotosCount? SpecialTypeID? SplitToningBalance? SplitToningHighlightHue? SplitToningHighlightSaturation? SplitToningShadowHue? SplitToningShadowSaturation? StitchingSoftware? StreamType? Subject? SubsecTime? Tag? Tagged? TagsList? Tint? Title? TlinearGain? ToneCurveBlue? ToneCurveGreen? ToneCurveName? ToneCurvePV2012Blue? ToneCurvePV2012Green? ToneCurvePV2012Red? ToneCurveRed? ToneMapStrength? UprightCenterMode? UprightCenterNormX? UprightCenterNormY? UprightFocalLength35mm? UprightFocalMode? UprightFourSegmentsCount? UprightPreview? UprightTransformCount? UprightVersion? UsePanoramaViewer? Versions? Vibrance? VignetteAmount? WavelengthFWHM? XMPMeta? XMPToolkit?


About?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "uuid:faf5bdd5-ba3d-11da-ad31-d33d75182f1b"

AbsoluteAltitude?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "+823.75"

Album?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "Twilight Dreams"

AlreadyApplied?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: true

ApproximateFocusDistance?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 5.01

AsrClimaxDuration?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

AsrClimaxScene?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "None"

AsrIsMacroRange?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

AsrSceneCondition?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "Stable"

AsrSceneMode?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "NightPortrait"

AutoLateralCA?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1

BandName?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ Example: ["LWIR"]

BlueHue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

BlueSaturation?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

BurstID?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "5c62348a-2bbb-4e4c-89d9-3bf6a461ec89"

BurstPrimary?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1

CameraBurstID?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "5c62348a-2bbb-4e4c-89d9-3bf6a461ec89"

CameraFacing?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "Front"

CameraModelID?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ""

CameraProfile?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Embedded"

CameraProfileDigest?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "D4FE5D91640D0C5A01B5633EB8061002"

Cameras?: Struct[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: [{"DepthMap":{"ConfidenceURI":"android/confidencemap","De…ical"}]

CameraUnit?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "Rear"

CamReverse?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

CaptureMode?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Photo"

CaptureSoftware?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ""

CatalogSets?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["Subjekt|Natur|Pflanzen","Ort|Deutschland|Rangsdorf"]

CellGlobalID?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "240-8-330-901211"

CellR?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 5

CellTowerID?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 901211

CentralTemperature?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 45

CentralWavelength?: number[]

☆☆☆☆ Example: [10000]

Changes?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["tag,2011-07-26T05:44:01Z,0,c"]

CircularGradientBasedCorrections?: Struct[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: [{"CorrectionActive":true,"CorrectionAmount":1,"Correctio…tion"}]

ColorClass?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "3 (Superior)"

ColorLabel?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

Colorlabels?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ""

ColorNoiseReduction?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 25

ColorNoiseReductionDetail?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 50

ColorNoiseReductionSmoothness?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 50

Comment?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "This is a comment."

Container?: Struct

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: {"Directory":[{"DataURI":"primary_image","Length":0,"Mime…peg"}]}

ContainerDirectory?: Struct[] | ContainerDirectoryItem[]

☆☆☆☆ Example: "/home/username/pictures"

ConvertToGrayscale?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: false

Country?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "United States"

CountryCode?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "ir"

CreationTime?: string | ExifDateTime

☆☆☆☆ Example:

Creator?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: [""]

CreatorAppID?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "{2d7e7fd6-2942-4d77-9842-389c3f62b14d}"

CreatorContactInfo?: Struct

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: {"CiAdrCity":"Amsterdam","CiAdrCtry":"Netherlands","CiAdr…73 CH"}

CreatorOpenWithUIOptions?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 1

Creatortool?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "Version Ver 1.04 "

CreatorTool?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ""

CropAngle?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

CropBottom?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 1

CropConstrainToWarp?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

CropLeft?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "8 0"

CroppedAreaImageHeightPixels?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 3872

CroppedAreaImageWidthPixels?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 7744

CroppedAreaLeftPixels?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

CroppedAreaTopPixels?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

CropRight?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 1

CropTop?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "8 0"

DateAcquired?: string | ExifDateTime

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "2014:05:11 13:08:25.659"

DateCreated?: string | ExifDateTime

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "2023:11:07"

DateTime?: string | ExifDateTime

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "2017:08:13 12:38:30"

DateTimeDigitized?: string | ExifDateTime

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "2017:08:13 12:38:30"

DateUTC?: string | ExifDateTime

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "2015:06:02 09:56:01"

DefringeGreenAmount?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

DefringeGreenHueHi?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 60

DefringeGreenHueLo?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 40

DefringePurpleAmount?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

DefringePurpleHueHi?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 70

DefringePurpleHueLo?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 30

Dehaze?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

DerivedFrom?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example:

Description?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "nfd"

DisableAutoCreation?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["Animation","Collage"]

DocumentID?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "xmp.did:7bf80ec8-c5cf-4881-b631-5ac83ae65ce2"

Face?: Struct[]

☆☆☆☆ Example: [{"FaceAnglePitch":0.009265,"FaceAngleRoll":-0.021281,"Fa…re":4}]

FaceNum?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 1

FaceSelectedIndex?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

Far?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 8

Firmware?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "u77"

FlashCompensation?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

FlashManufacturer?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Example flash make"

FlashPixVersion?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "FlashPix Version 1.0"

FlightPitchDegree?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 3.8

FlightRollDegree?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 4.5

FlightYawDegree?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 88.699997

FocusAreaHeight?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 6553500

FocusAreaNum?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 1

FocusAreaWidth?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 6553500

FocusIsLensMoving?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

FocusPosX?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 3372647

FocusPosY?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 936214

FocusState?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "Inactive"

Format?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "image/jpg"

FullPanoHeightPixels?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 3872

FullPanoWidthPixels?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 7744

GimbalPitchDegree?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: -90

GimbalReverse?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

GimbalRollDegree?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "+0.00"

GimbalYawDegree?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "+90.80"

GrainAmount?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

GreenHue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

GreenSaturation?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

HasCrop?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: false

HasExtendedXMP?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "F995C3239BC6E6FC1997814864CD2CA2"

HasSettings?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: true

HdrPlusMakernote?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 23388 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

HDRPMakerNote?: string | BinaryField

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "(Binary data 22075 bytes, use -b option to extract)"

HierarchicalSubject?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["点像F11"]

History?: string | ResourceEvent | ResourceEvent[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: [{"Action":"converted","Parameters":"from image/x-canon-c…alse}}]

HueAdjustmentAqua?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

HueAdjustmentBlue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

HueAdjustmentGreen?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

HueAdjustmentMagenta?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

HueAdjustmentOrange?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

HueAdjustmentPurple?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

HueAdjustmentRed?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

HueAdjustmentYellow?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

ICCProfileName?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"

ImageLength?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 4048

ImageNumber?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 9956

InitialViewHeadingDegrees?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 180

InitialViewPitchDegrees?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

InitialViewRollDegrees?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

InstanceID?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "xmp.iid:f9edd04d-34a3-41cc-909f-5a49fc5b8154"

InteroperabilityIndex?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "N"

InteroperabilityVersion?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "18, 25, 24.96"

IsBokehActive?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: true

IsHDRActive?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: true

IsNightModeActive?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: false

Label?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "選択"

LastKeywordXMP?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["red fish","bluefish"]

LegacyIPTCDigest?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "F351B7C76CEF50C906DB9B78A92FB1B4"

LensFacing?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Back"

LensManualDistortionAmount?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

LensManufacturer?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Example lens make"

LensProfileEnable?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1

LensProfileName?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "Camera Settings"

LensProfileSetup?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "LensDefaults"

LocationAreaCode?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 37087

Look?: Struct

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: {"Amount":1,"Group":"Profiles","Name":"Adobe Color","Para…A7077"}

LuminanceAdjustmentAqua?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

LuminanceAdjustmentBlue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

LuminanceAdjustmentGreen?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

LuminanceAdjustmentMagenta?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

LuminanceAdjustmentOrange?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

LuminanceAdjustmentPurple?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

LuminanceAdjustmentRed?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

LuminanceAdjustmentYellow?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

LuminanceSmoothing?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

MakerNote?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "4577 bytes undefined data"

Marked?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: true

Mask?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ""

MetadataDate?: string | ExifDateTime

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "2024:10:02 15:51:50-07:00"

MicroVideo?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1

MicroVideoOffset?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 2448784

MicroVideoPresentationTimestampUs?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 366563

MicroVideoVersion?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1

Mime?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "image/jpeg"

MobileCountryCode?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 240

MobileNetworkCode?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 8

ModificationDate?: string | ExifDateTime

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "2015:06:02 09:56:01"

MotionPhoto?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 1

MotionPhotoPresentationTimestampUs?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 717986

MotionPhotoVersion?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 1

NativeDigest?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "36864,40960,40961,37121,37122,40962,40963,37510,40964,368…B0A1251"

Near?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 115.4

Notes?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "Album description"

ObjectAreaHeight?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 561

ObjectAreaWidth?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 884

ObjectNum?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 1

ObjectPosX?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 1890

ObjectPosY?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 1796

OriginalCreateDateTime?: string | ExifDateTime

☆☆☆☆ Example:

OriginalDocumentID?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "xmp.did:7bf80ec8-c5cf-4881-b631-5ac83ae65ce2"

OverrideLookVignette?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: false

ParametricDarks?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

ParametricHighlights?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

ParametricHighlightSplit?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 75

ParametricLights?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

ParametricMidtoneSplit?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 50

ParametricShadows?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

ParametricShadowSplit?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 25

PersonInImage?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["John Doe"]

PerspectiveAspect?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

PerspectiveHorizontal?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

PerspectiveRotate?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

PerspectiveScale?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 100

PerspectiveUpright?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Off"

PerspectiveVertical?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

PerspectiveX?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

PerspectiveY?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

PhotographicSensitivity?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 80

PickLabel?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

PipelineVersion?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "01.00"

PMVersion?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "PM6"

PortraitVersion?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

PoseHeadingDegrees?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 22.5

PosePitchDegrees?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 11.2

PoseRollDegrees?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 1.6

PostCropVignetteAmount?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

PreservedFileName?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "DSCF0722.JPG"

ProcessVersion?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 11

Profiles?: Struct[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: [{"CameraIndices":[0],"Type":"DepthPhoto"}]

ProgramMode?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example:

ProjectionType?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "equirectangular"

Rating?: number

★★☆☆ ✔ Example: 5

RatingPercent?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 50

RawFileName?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "P2030414.jpg"

RedHue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

RedSaturation?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

RegionInfo?: Struct

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: {"AppliedToDimensions":{"H":3552,"W":2000},"RegionList":[…ace"}]}

RegionInfoMP?: Struct

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: {"Regions":""}

RegistryID?: Struct[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: [{"RegItemId":"Number1","RegOrgId":"TestName1"},{"RegItem…ame3"}]

RelativeAltitude?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "+90.80"

Rights?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Kawp E. Reite Houldre"

SaturationAdjustmentAqua?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SaturationAdjustmentBlue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SaturationAdjustmentGreen?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SaturationAdjustmentMagenta?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SaturationAdjustmentOrange?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SaturationAdjustmentPurple?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SaturationAdjustmentRed?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SaturationAdjustmentYellow?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

Scene?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "AutoHDR"

SceneDetectResultConfidences?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "[0.997883, 0.92984027]"

SceneDetectResultIds?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "[901, 60, 0]"

SelfData?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "Undefined"

ShadowTint?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SharpenDetail?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 25

SharpenEdgeMasking?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SharpenRadius?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "+1.0"

SourcePhotosCount?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 2

SpecialTypeID?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["…TRAIT"]

SplitToningBalance?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SplitToningHighlightHue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SplitToningHighlightSaturation?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SplitToningShadowHue?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

SplitToningShadowSaturation?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

StitchingSoftware?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ""

StreamType?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 3

Subject?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["点像F11"]

SubsecTime?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 296185

Tag?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "#MB%:{9C0B071B-5553-4D89-B252-934C9EC1E04D}GBMB1:%MB#"

Tagged?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Yes"

TagsList?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["Subjekt/Natur/Pflanzen","Ort/Deutschland/Rangsdorf"]

Tint?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "+5"

Title?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Very Blank"

TlinearGain?: number

☆☆☆☆ Example: 0

ToneCurveBlue?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["0, 0","255, 255"]

ToneCurveGreen?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["0, 0","255, 255"]

ToneCurveName?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "Medium Contrast"

ToneCurvePV2012Blue?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["0, 0","255, 255"]

ToneCurvePV2012Green?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["0, 0","255, 255"]

ToneCurvePV2012Red?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["0, 0","255, 255"]

ToneCurveRed?: string[]

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: ["0, 0","255, 255"]

ToneMapStrength?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

UprightCenterMode?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

UprightCenterNormX?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0.5

UprightCenterNormY?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0.5

UprightFocalLength35mm?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 35

UprightFocalMode?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

UprightFourSegmentsCount?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

UprightPreview?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: false

UprightTransformCount?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 6

UprightVersion?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 151388160

UsePanoramaViewer?: boolean

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: true

Versions?: string | Version | Version[]

☆☆☆☆ Example:

Vibrance?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "+21"

VignetteAmount?: number

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: 0

WavelengthFWHM?: number[]

☆☆☆☆ Example: [4500]

XMPMeta?: string

☆☆☆☆ Example: "<…="0" />"

XMPToolkit?: string

☆☆☆☆ ✔ Example: "XMP toolkit 3.0-28, framework 1.6"