A mount point is a location in the file system where a volume is mounted.

interface MountPoint {
    error?: string | Error;
    fstype?: string;
    isSystemVolume?: boolean;
    mountPoint: string;
    status?: string;

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error?: string | Error

If there are non-critical errors while extracting metadata, those errors may be added to this field.

fstype?: string

The type of file system on the volume, like ext4, apfs, or ntfs.

Note: on Windows this may show as "ntfs" for remote filesystems, as that is how the filesystem is presented to the OS.

isSystemVolume?: boolean

Indicates if this volume is primarily for system use (e.g., swap, snap loopbacks, EFI boot, or only system directories).

Note: This is a best-effort classification and is not 100% accurate.

mountPoint: string

Mount location (like "/" or "C:").

status?: string

On Windows, returns the health status of the volume.

Note that this is only available on Windows, as both Linux and macOS are prohibitively expensive, requiring forking fsck -N or diskutil verifyVolume.

If there are non-critical errors while extracting metadata, those error messages may be added to this field (say, from blkid or gio).

VolumeHealthStatuses for values returned by Windows.