Configuration options for filesystem operations.

interface Options {
    includeSystemVolumes: boolean;
    linuxMountTablePaths: string[];
    maxConcurrency: number;
    systemFsTypes: string[];
    systemPathPatterns: string[];
    timeoutMs: number;


includeSystemVolumes: boolean

Should system volumes be included in result arrays? Defaults to true on Windows and false elsewhere.

linuxMountTablePaths: string[]

On Linux, use the first mount point table in this array that is readable.

LinuxMountTablePathsDefault for the default values

maxConcurrency: number

Maximum number of concurrent filesystem operations.

Defaults to availableParallelism.

systemFsTypes: string[]

On Linux and macOS, volumes whose filesystem matches any of these strings will have MountPoint.isSystemVolume set to true.

SystemFsTypesDefault for the default value

systemPathPatterns: string[]

On Linux and macOS, mount point pathnames that matches any of these glob patterns will have MountPoint.isSystemVolume set to true.

SystemPathPatternsDefault for the default value

timeoutMs: number

Timeout in milliseconds for filesystem operations.

Disable timeouts by setting this to 0.